The tour of finding feelings

In Provence Rose Lodge in Cing Jing Mountain


I meet the black chocolate cake.


I choose to be the worker for changing tour in the first travel of Cing Jing because of the messy battle of the sex in my teaching. The first day, 2 couples stay in PRL. One man with two closers takes out the pretty flowers and proposes the close woman  "Marry me!". I see the view and feel "wow " that is cool. At the meanwhile, baker in the kitchen prepares the new fresh handmade black chocolate cake with the word "Marry me!". I feel excited much about the new experience and bolt to see the cake with a lot of brown chocolate jam like the jaguar speed happily and curiously. Wow! It is so amazing. Only, the cake is covered with the chocolate jam in the natural way. But something happens, I stop my curious feeling there. Wait! The English word “Merry me” spelling is wrong. It is the big difference between a and e. I insist. I fight to the baker fast. However, the baker insists and ignores me. I know I am right. I can’t agree the condition is displayed in front of the woman. If it is me, I will rage uncontrollably and unexplainably like the fire mountain. I think the case is easy and is not hard. Next, the helper will be the top worker in Provence Rose Lodge. At that moment, it is chaos. Everyone is busy for service. I bolt to him with my full strong brave and say seriously in the busy group. “ The word, “Merry me” on the cake, is wrong.” Then, he says because Merry is Mary Ya! I think he judges the sound “Merry” to be Mary, a woman. He thinks a woman, Mary at all horribly. Because the man’s opposition is woman. I see him and order him “You check it up and look it at again and sternly” Well, I see his face is pale and listen to me like a serious student. He takes out the cellphone and looks up in front of me fast horribly without any rejection. I announce him again. Yes. I am right at all. It is “Marry me.” I find he is drunken like something unknown and talk to the worker about something wrong. I am pride and joy, then I walk away. Well, Provence Rose Lodge is like the handmade sweet chocolate cake that is full of pure chocolate jam. It means that is worthy of staying there long time and tasting every moment in the slow speed. Without other decoration on the cake, only the word “Merry me!” is on it. It is so natural and wild. Every feeling can be naked and detected under the strong kissing of sun. Oh! Ya! Something is sweet and something is bitter in the judging ocean in the net. Something is right and something is wrong in the written words. However, I have repeated and repeated going to PRL in Cing Jing in Nan Tou for some years. I am caught there because of the lightning energetic sun, horrible white lollipop clouds, unrejected cool air, amazing placement of PRL and cozy living. God, I can’t control to stop it helpfully by self.  The tour of finding feelings has been started and battled there.  Written by Top English Tutor 

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